Monday, November 19, 2018

Jamaica, Mon

Jamaica is officially my new favorite all-inclusive spot! I had jerk chicken every day and heard the soothing sounds of Drake and Travis Scott floating up from the pool area... Here is my list of pros and cons!

1. The Music
It was a mixture of hip-hop from the States and Jamaican hits. Bops.

2. The FOOD
I had jerk chicken every day on the beach from a man asking "Breast lady or leg lady? Hot sauce, sweet sauce great together". We ate at the Asian buffet 3 times lol. Doesn't get any better. The Steakhouse was also decent. Not a steak you get at momma's house but good enough for me! The buffets were phenomenal and the ice cream was off the charts.

3. The Entertainment
I don't think these people get enough credit... The entertainment crew is there from breakfast until the show is over at 10:30pm and they're always trying to make people smile. They set up multiple games by the pool and on the beach for adults and children! The Micheal Jackson show was so fun. 

4. The Location
This will also be on my Con list. A little further from the airport than ideal BUT all the excursions were pretty close to our resort! It took us 7 minutes to get to Mystic Mountain and didn't take up our entire day. It was such a relief. 

1. The Location

Ocho Rios is a little over an hour from the airport WITHOUT stopping. We took the shared shuttle and it took every bit of 2 hours. It was dark by the time we got to the resort. We will definitely be taking Club Mobay next time! Fast track through the airport and have private transportation? No brainer. 

The location was really the only con. Jamaica was beautiful and friendly. Our shuttle driver informed us about the homes, which looked unfinished or barely held together. He said people on the island do not like to borrow money. They build a little then save a little to build more when the time comes. Instead of saying "Thank You', they said "Respect". I liked that. It gave "Thank You" a whole new feeling. Remember to take some tip money! Yea it's all-inclusive but you wouldn't stiff the bartender at home would you? I hope not! 


Sunday, November 18, 2018

5 Airport-plane Don'ts

Why I am having the write this? I have no idea. You'd think this would all be common sense by now...

1. Not preparing for the extremely bored and or sleepy child you brought along. 
       I get it. Sometimes kids throw fits and there is nothing you can do. BUT there are things you can bring along to help prevent tantrums like a coloring book, toys, Ipad, games, headphones, stuffed animal to cuddle on the plane, anything really. I personally would take some gum and or suckers on the plane. You know the elevation hurts their little ears!

2. Standing in the aisle before it is your time to exit the plane.
     This annoys me. I know sometimes people stand up to stretch their legs or to get their bags down but the people who try to push to the front? Those people have a special place in travel hell. If I am sitting in front of you and you try to exit the plane before me, I'm going to clothesline you. You've been warned.

3. Crowding the desk at boarding.
   It happens at every. single. airport. YOU HAVE A BOARDING NUMBER. Wait until it's your turn like an adult because those of us who have waited will have to bob and weave through yall to get to the front!!!

4. Storing your small bag in the overhead compartment instead of under your seat.
      For those of us who like to take carry on bags so we don't have to wait on our luggage, this is very irritating. The flight attendants will even tell you to put small bags under the seat in front of you... Once I even asked a man "Is this your backpack?" and proceeded to hand it to him because the overhead compartments were already full when we got on the plane and it was above my seat anyway. Sorry dude.

5. Partying.
       Don't get me wrong, I'm all for some airport cocktails and more drinks on the plane but when you start getting loud? Pump the brakes, Bride Tribe, I mixed a valium with my mimosa (because see anxiety causing topics 1-4) and I'm ready for a nap before we get on some margaritas.

Part 1.    This just a list of places in the United States I have been that I have think other people would enjoy also!  Not in any particul...