Monday, June 10, 2019

Travel Checklist

                (In my backpack/purse)
1. Passport/ID
2. Headphones
3. Book
4. Gum
5. Chapstick
6. Hand Sanitizer 
7. Neck Pillow
8. Pen 
9. Charger (Adapter if going to Europe etc)
10. Eye drops/Contact solution
11. Hair Tie
12. Water Bottle
13. Face Wipes
14. MEDS (Ibuprofen, Dramamine, Tums, etc)
15. Sunglasses
16. Money
17. Light jacket around my waist and Wa-Lah

ALSO download the Mobile Passport app if you are leaving the country! It makes the arrival back into the States much smoother.

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Part 1.    This just a list of places in the United States I have been that I have think other people would enjoy also!  Not in any particul...