Tuesday, September 25, 2018

All In A Night's Work: A server's story.

    I know you've all probably seen the posts about so and so not tipping their server or how servers don't really get a check, blah blah blah. Well not all of us are whiny little babies. BUT here is an inside look at a servers life... Enjoy lol

5pm: Let's get this show on the road!

6pm: Everything is going smoothly. My first tables were amazing!

7pm: I'm getting my ass handed to me on a diamond encrusted platter.

7:15pm: "Ma'am, can I get another ranch?"

"Sure!" (Not my table but I'm a team player)


I'll go get it.

7:17pm: "Do we have any clean bullets?!" Asking everyone in sight...


I'll get some

(Bullets are what we serve dressing in)

Asking the dishwasher  (who already hates his life because he is also getting killed) to wash bullets

ASAP is like begging for mercy. You feel so terrible asking him for anything. Anyway, back to the timeline.

7:20pm: Finally walking to the table with fresh ranch.

"Oh, I just used her extra dressing but thanks!"

I hate everyone.

7:22pm: Notice a child emptying a sugar packet under the booth you'll have to clean later.

Give the mother "The stink eye".

7:23pm: "Can you pick up table 40? I have to take a party in the other room."

"Sure! I can handle this."

10:30pm: Table 40 hasn't left and you closed at 9pm. Everyone hates you and your table.

The End.

"Oh! Are we all hanging out after this orrrrrrrrr? No? Ok."

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