Monday, July 30, 2018

The Rules of Travel

                     The Rules of Travel!

1. BE RESPECTFUL. This is rule number 1 for a reason. It is most important to me. I have witnessed Americans (numerous times) act very entitled in places they actually aren't at all. I have been so embarrassed at times I wanted to disappear. 

2. KEEP AN OPEN MIND. Travel will expose you to so many different customs and beliefs. Religion has always been a question mark for me so I love learning how others worship and what they believe. It is a beautiful thing!

3. PACK LITE. The most annoying thing for me is waiting on luggage to come off the plane. Most people overpack! Dillon and I have mastered the carry-on and I've never looked back. Going to the beach? Swimsuits and dresses are all you need. Seriously, leave all that extra at the house. 

4. TRY THE FOOD. Don't curl your nose at something you've never tried. Unless it's super weird then whatever. Street food is cheap and pretty dang good! 

5. DONT BE AFRAID OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. We have taken the public bus too many times to count. Either pay $40 for a taxi to town or $3 for the bus. I'm saving $37 every time. 

6. MAKE A DEAL. Want to do an excursion? You don't have to take the first price people throw out at you. Also, booking at the resort is more than likely going to be more expensive than booking with someone out of the beach! We've used the beach people multiple times and it's been worth it. 

7. TAKE A BAG. A backpack or beach tote will be your best friend. 

8. DO SOME RESEARCH. Before we left for Thailand, I was on my computer every day trying to get an idea of how to dress! It ended up being very beneficial when visiting the temples. If you're feeling funky, go to or download the app and study up on the language too. Never know when you might need it. 

9. SPEAKING OF RESEARCH... Get on Pinterest and look up things to do, places to see, where to eat, how to get around, most instagramable spots, whatever floats your boat! It helps tremendously. 

10. TAKE ALL THE PICTURES YOU CAN. You won't get that moment back. I will never regret always having my phone or GoPro. What a time to be alive! 

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Itty Bitty Titty Committee... & Yoga

 How do you survive when all your friends have amazing chests? They will always look better in random shirts you could never wear and they will flash you every chance they get to let you know who's boss. Well guess what *ssholes, I have a plan...

Step 1. Rockin body
Step 2. Personality that kills
Step 3. Stop caring

  You could either (A) Get a boob job OR (B) STFU. Nobody wants to be around a crybaby psychopath. Lately, I've started trying to fit yoga into my life and it is like buying a new pair of panties. You wear the hell out of them for a while because they're your new favorite but eventually, they go to the bottom of the drawer like all the others. So, spice it up! Yoga with Adriene on Youtube is amazing and has all kinds of yoga on her channel. It has helped me mentally and physically (because those big titty ho's are really screwing with me) JK. But seriously, love your small chest. You can run like a normal person.

This was my first Journal entry in 2016. I'm really starting to notice this was my Britney 2007 year.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Easy Vacation Reads

                         These are some of my favorite books I've taken on my journeys!
 Someone sent this to me in one of those facebook book swaps and it is kind of strange but mostly awesome. Thanks whoever you are!
                                                                       Just read it.

I found this gem at Dollar General for $2! I could not put it down. I feel ya, Bernadette!

                                                               All-around great.


Fun and kept me wondering.

Tears! But one of my most favorite books.

Plot twist! You won't be ready for it.

              This was a gift from a friend and I quickly became wrapped up in this unique tale. Another fun escape from the real world.



  We stayed at the southern tip of Thailand, near Panwa Beach from August 24th through September 5th (rainy season). After a couple days of rain and almost booking a flight to Austrailia, the sun came out, guns blazing. I don't think I've ever been so sunburned in my life. Dillon nicknamed me "Mr. Krabs". 
   For $60, we rented a scooter for 7 days. That was the best investment we made. Most everyone in Thailand drives a scooter so the roads were packed.  A lady told us "Go slow. Stay on the left". Oooooookay. We drove that thing everywhere! To temples, different beaches, markets, Big Buddha, all over. 
                                                                     Wat Chalong

We both desperately wanted to visit the Phi Phi islands so we set up transportation and took off... The only bad part was the 2 hour ferry ride. But once you get there, you won't want to leave. If i could've changed anything about this trip, it would be to spend more time on the island and less on the mainland. We liked it so much, we booked another night as soon as we got there. Our "room", more like bungalow, was super cute. I seriously loved the balcony. 
                                                                     Bay View Resort
Hippies had night fire twirling shows!

We booked an excursion with the people at our hotel to see Monkey beach and snorkel.... Absolute BEST excursion and snorkeling we've done so far. I had a baby monkey crawl up in my lap (trying to steal all my accessories). He was so fun.
We made our sad way back to the mainland but we ended up finding our favorite beach!
(We drove by Patong Beach and it was severely overcrowded)  Rawai Beach was stunning and the food vendors were legit. We had shish kebobs, fresh fruit, corn on the cob, and grilled shrimp. We played in the waves for most of the afternoon and wished we had booked the hotel we could see from the water.
I begged Dillon to take me to Laem Promthep Cape viewpoint. It's the southernmost tip of Thailand and we were not disappointed. From the views to all the Elephant statues, it was phenomenal.
Thailand was an extremely friendly country and we can't wait to go back. The best advice I can give is to try all the food and experience all the culture. You will come home with a new heart. 

Wonderland Trail: How To

                            Getting There

Originally, the plan was to fly into Portland. It's much cheaper than flying into Seattle for some unearthly reason but Alaska Airlines made major schedule changes so we had no choice. You're definitely going to have to rent a car unless you're a lunatic and road trip up there. Either way, it's worth it.  The park ( Longmire entrance) is about 2 hours from Seattle airport and 2 1/2 from Portland. 

                      Getting on the Trail

Okay, this one is the most nerve-racking.  The NPS gives out a limited number of permits each year to protect the park and wildlife. Starting March 15th, you will be able to submit a permit request. Visit, select Washington, then Mount Rainier. There is a tab on the left labeled "Plan your visit", scroll down to "Things to do",  select hiking, then wilderness permits. It will cost you $20. You will get an email within a few weeks saying you were either selected or denied.  

                          If you are Denied

IF you are denied, don't panic. We were also denied but had it set in our hearts to do this. We had already booked our flight, car, and made backup plans! We reserved a camp spot for 4 nights at Cougar Rock Campground near the Longmire Wilderness Information Center in hopes of getting a walk up permit. The WIC opens at 7:30am. I suggest getting there as early as possible because people were filing in after us! BE FLEXIBLE. We wanted to do around 10 days on the trail so we booked our trip for 14 days to give ourselves some room. Research and have an idea about the trail.  Check trail conditions, closed campsites, and weather. The Rangers will work with you but it's also great to know what you're talking about. 

                       Caching your Food

This is a great way to not carry 10 days worth of food! The most we carried was 4 days and trust me, that's enough. We bought 5 gallon buckets at a farm and ranch store on the way to the park. After we figured out our drop off locations, we wrote our last name, date of pick up, and permit number on the lid.  Depending on your trail itinerary, you could have either 2 or 3 pick up locations. Mowich Lake, Longmire, and White River were our choices but since we started at Mowich, we only have 2 pick ups. You will also need to cache your fuel and since it can't fly, we had to stop at REI on the way as well. 

                                                                Longmire WIC

               Clockwise vs Counterclockwise

We started at Mowich Lake and went counterclockwise. I had read before the trip that clockwise is harder on your knees due to the steep downhills... Well, it's hard on them no matter what so prepare for that. BUT I do remember thinking "I am so glad we are going down this instead of climbing up" on many parts of the trail so I would suggest Counterclockwise. 

                         Weather & Clothing

BE PREPARED for any and all types of weather. On the West side of the mountain, we froze and on the East, we got sunburned. We hiked through rain, snow, mud, sand, heat, basically everything you can imagine. I am not happy when I'm cold so I took 3 pairs of tights, 2 long sleeved shirts, 1 pair of rain pants, 1 pair of shorts, 3 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of toe socks (helps prevent blisters), 3 Nike dri-fit t-shirts, multiple headbands to cover my ears (also helped with the annoying bugs), a down jacket, a rain jacket and warm gloves. I took sunglasses but didn't mess with a hat. I learned on an earlier hike that my hat just blocked a ton of my vision and in places with large predators, you want to be very aware of your surroundings. I had to speak to a young girl leading her father and younger sibling before she knew I was standing in front of her because she had her head down hiking uphill with a hat on. That made me believe in my theory even more. 

PS: Don't forget the bug spray. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

10 rules to planning a bachelorette party



1. Find out how much you really like this friend because this sh*t is expensive.
2. Go with a theme and stick with it. Don't venture off. It'll only make it harder on you.

3. Get help. Unless your friend only has one friend, you're going to need it.
                                                             (You're the best, Chanel!)
4. Location is crucial. Nobody wants to sit in a local bar and do karaoke. (Did it)
5. People make the party. Invite your grandma if you have to...if she's cool.
                                                                   (Pre-party paints) 
6. Have a plan. People like to know what's going to happen apparently.
7. Alcohol. This may be the most important rule. If your friends don't drink, get new ones. 

8. Don't get too drunk. Your bachelorette will need you at some point and this isn't about you anyway.

9. Food. Have snacks in the room, house, cabin, whatever you decide to go with because females are cranky when hungry.
10. Take one for the team. If your bachelorette wants to go back to the hotel at midnight, you take her. Take her on the bare back of a unicorn and let everyone else keep partying. Give her a bottle of water and a makeup removing towelette. You win. You're the best. 

In My Pack

                                  Trail Necessities 

1. Bug spray bug spray bug spray and anti itch ointment
2. Sunscreen (the reflection of the snow was brutal which brings us to number 3)
3. Sunglasses
4.Trekking Poles (USE THEM) I got mine at walmart for around $20 and they've been great
5. Map
6. Compass with mirror 
7. Squeeze water filtration system (Sawyer) You can get these at walmart also
8. Rain jacket (Marmot)
9. Waterproof pack cover (outdoor products, walmart)
10. Waterproof food storage (Walmart)
11. Toothbrush/paste
12. Waterproof matches & lighter (Walmart)
13. First aid kit
14. Cup, bowl, and spork (Walmart/REI)
15. Paracord
16. Sleeping bag & mat (Kelty & Thermarest)
17. Tent (REI)
18. Jetboil
19. Fuel
20. Airhorn/ bear spray
21. Knife
22. Carabiners
23. Baby wipes/ toilet paper/ compact shovel
24. Ziplock bags
25. Bandana (you'll need something to wipe out your dishes after each meal)
26. Hand & body towel (REI)
27. Solar charger
28. Ditty sacks (you'll thank yourself for being organized) Walmart or REI
29. Backpacker's Tarp! This was awesome. Kept the bottom our tent dry!

             Not so necessary but nice to have

1. Sea to summit shampoo and body wash
     I do not regret carrying this. In 10 trail days, I washed my hair three times and shaved twice. You do not have to be gross out there.
2. Cards or a book
     Sometimes, you get to camp early and have nothing to do. Bummer.
3. Scrubba
   This was one of my most favorite unnecessary items of the trip. You can wash your clothes anywhere!
4. GoPro
    I'll never regret this one either.


This is important. I packed the minimum amount of food. Bad idea lol. Take more than you think you need. You will be starving the whole time! 


Instant oatmeal was great. If you get the normal sized packs, you'll want to double those up. My favorite was Banana Nut! Gina loves Apples & Cinnamon.
Mountain House freeze dried meals are where it's at. We loved the breakfast skillet, spicy breakfast hash, and biscuits & gravy! (wished we had some sort of hot sauce with the skillets. We also packed tortillas to make breakfast burritos. YUM) We made coffee every morning! Folgers and Starbucks have instant packages that were perfect.


Quest bars
Peanut butter and honey tortilla roll ups
Trail mix  
Pepper Jack cheese sandwich crackers
Oat and Honey granola bars
Beef jerkey
Welches fruit snacks
Fruit roll ups

Go ahead. Pack the candy. You'll need it.


We had Mountain House meals every night for dinner. And honestly, I could eat the whole "2 servings". We loved Chicken & dumplings, Chili Mac with beef, Mexican style rice & chicken,  Spaghetti, and Lasagna.
Hot chocolate was a perfect after dinner treat, especially on cold nights!                                

Monday, July 23, 2018

Happy Trails

So, I jokingly said "I've gotten so many questions about this trip, I should start a blog". Well, here I am. I absolutely love telling the story over and over again but my life motto is " Work smarter not harder"... I'll include the notes I took on my phone throughout the trip. WARNING: EXPLICIT. Don't let the kids read it. Or do. They're going to hear it at school from their friends anyway, if they don't already at home. Enjoy.

Day 1: Mowich to Golden Lakes. 
Straight down to a mind tricking single log bridge.
Through somewhat moss forest.
Across a hellacious river rock stream... took an hour.
3 hours switch backing UP. 
Another hour along a sketchy poop strewn path. I think mountain goats.
To beautiful golden lakes.
I went to get water. Waited for gina. Yelled for gina. Went back to camp with my water. Was filtering when I heard whistles. Sprinted around camp. Found a red head who said they’re birds... still looking for gina. Ran into the autistic man. Said he say a girl down by the lake trying to get water with something. (Me) go past the ranger station. Nothing. Turn back around exhausted. Do a 360 and Gina is up the path getting water from a stream. I yell 
“Gina! What are you doing?”
Getting water
“You almost gave me a heart attack”
They have a tap?
And stomp back to camp...
Finn like a shark
Ember with an E 
Thats how this young man we met on the trail introduced himself and his girlfriend to us. 
I like them.

Ok so in my defense, I have never heard a more realistic whistle in my life. Second, I feel bad for saying that man is Autistic. I have no idea what his story is but his speech is different that's all. 

Day 2: Golden Lakes to Klapatche
Made excellent time this morning even with the stops we took gawking at the mountain.
Gina looked like she got stone cold Steve Austined out of nowhere on our way down. I laughed so hard I had tears and almost pissed myself. 
We took a short break after. Lol
Came up on an amazing view from the bridge across Puyallup. Had lunch.
2.8 miles to camp. Straight the fuck up. It sucked. I fell once. More like slid. 
Gina fell in the snow. Finally made it to the top into a meadow of wildflowers. Wtf. It’s gorgeous up here. When we went to get water, the spring was warm and the rock I sat on after was warm so we are assuming the lake is a hot spring... want to get in. Too cold coming out though. I’m exhausted. Adios. 

First thing's first on this one. I know you mispronounced it in your head... It's like 
Klapatche was one of our favorite camps but the fog had rolled in and it was super spooky. I'm not going to lie. I was not wandering far from camp. It rained on us this night but it was probably the best sleep I had. 

Day 3: North Klapache to Devils Dream
I’m still trying to figure out why they named it devils dream. Anyway. Gina fell again. Not as funny as the first time but she’s ok. It rained on us last night and this morning so we got to try out all our rain gear. Saw the cutest marmot. Met a girl solo hiking. She said don’t be afraid of the bears 🙌🏼. Walked across a sketchy suspension bridge. Pretty cool though. Had an amazing view of snow covered lake this morning. Climbed too many mountains. We ate 2 dinners lol. Short day tomorrow and FIRE!

Devil's Dream was the beginning of our war on bugs. Whoever this may concern...If you are even thinking of doing this trail, don't get the cute little bug spray Walmart has with all the travel sized BS. YOU NEED DEET. I'm talking about getting the Versace of bug spray. Don't waste your money on anything less. You will hate yourself otherwise. Pack some anti-itch cream too. You're welcome. 

Day 4: Devil’s Dream to Cougar Rock
Short day. 
Got our cache. Inhaled almost all the salt water taffy lol
Got some WiFi and checked in with fam
Headed over to the gift shop for some little things. Got hot chocolate 🙌🏼 
Met our hermit friend again. 
His name is Robert. Left him some taffy
Headed up to cougar rock. 1.4 miles 😭 
Got to the group site, decided to buy an individual.
Ended up being a trail magic blessing. 
A couple in an RV (Joanne and Mark) made us Tacos and since it was Gina’s birthday the next day, gave us gluten free cupcakes. Perfect day. Robert brought us two logs he found “can’t let you ladies be out in the wilderness with wet socks” *robert voice (we did laundry today lol) 

This was a great day. Getting to our first food cache was like waking up from a dream. "We're really out here" is all I could think. Gina's Scrubba was awesome. Never thought I'd be so pumped for fresh socks. I also shaved. Listen Linda's, I did not need anyone mistaking me for Sasquatch. These people BELIEVE. 

Day 5: Cougar Rock to Maple Creek
Uphill then dowwwwwn. And hello bugs. Robert says he almost got hit by a car. Thought it was a 10 mile day but ended up being 8 so we made it by 1pm. Tried to get into the creek completely but it was way too cold. Stood thigh deep until my knees were numb. Met a solo female hiker (Danielle) doing the trail in 9 days. Bless her. Reflection lake was stunning 

The mosquitos were so bad here, they trapped us in the tent... Also, I feel like I'm a pretty brave person but there is no way, unless I am doing some serious soul searching, that I would do this trail alone. Sometimes you don't see anyone else all day. What if you break an ankle? This was the first day of knee pain. Don't worry. It gets worse. 

Day 6: Maple Creek to Indian Bar
Hell. Just Hell. My knee is giving me such a hard time I want to cry. But thankfully it’s mostly uphill. But uphill sucks the life out of you so it’s a lose lose. Used snow as ice packs for my knees. Day 2 of fighting bugs. Finally make it to the top and could almost kiss Rainier. Back down. Hell. And snow. Finally make it to Indian bar. Have to camp at site 4 bc we were the last ones there and it’s at the tip top of the camp. Bear pole at the bottom... food stays with us. Fuck you bears. Oh but the hummingbirds are fascinating. Hovered right next to the tent. Cuties 

Such a tough day. And if you think you've made it to the top, you haven't. 
The views were something else. Worth the hike? idk lol 
Probably shouldn't ever keep food in the tent but I could not make it to the bear pole and at that point I was accepting the thought of being carried away by a bear. 

Day 7: Indian Bar to White River
Hell. Another day in hell. Took us 2 hours to get over the first uphill. Finally peeked Mt. Hood. (Pointy top) 
Trekked through more snow. Saw some cute marmots. Fell and almost couldn’t get up. Knee is on fire. Going back down.
Hello Tears. Gina makes me sit for a second. I try to slide the rest of the way. Met a lady originally from New Zealand. Says the best time to go is Feb//March. 
Finally make it to Summerland for lunch. Hello people. And why? Idk. More downhill to White River. Almost make it and gina falls again. Go to get our cache and beg for a permit change (we both need it). Nice volunteer camp host (Susann) gives us a ride to the ranger station. Hello Abby! Ranger from Indian Bar! She recognizes us and helps with a permit change. Hallelujah. So now instead of a 13 mile, we are doing a 3 up the Sunrise then an 8 to Mystic, 4 to Carbon and 8 to Mowich! 

This was the worst day for me. I don't cry a lot. Unless it's a "someone finding their lost dog" facebook video. I think maybe 4 tears escaped but the pain was excruciating. I'm sorry to whoever has knee issues. I feel you. 
People looked like ants from where we are on top of the snowfields and slowly but surely we are surrounded by them. Summerland is a camp near Meadows and a very blue lake so people were all over the place. After being on the quiet trail for a week, I was begging to get out of there. 
PS: If anyone tells Abby we kept our food in the tent, I'll feed you to my bear friends.

Day 8: White River to Sunrise
Easy day. Right. Lol uphill 2 hours... gina and I both grouchy. Knee killing me. Gina dying. I stop to pee and hear people so I just sit down to rest. 
It’s the three people we met on the ridge! 
They recognize me and stop to talk. It’s their last day. I tell them we added a day due to knee problems and exhaustion... the guy is a PT! He gives me an ace bandage, tape, stretching tips and checks out my knee. 4th trail magician. We finally make it to camp. Bugs galore. Out of bug spray so we head to Sunrise visitor center for supplies. They also have a little cafe! We get burgers, chips, fruit, ice cream, cookies, brownies, and rice crispy treats lol no bug repellant. Gina has some weird cream. Whatever. Knee still the size of a grapefruit. Trying to sleep, Gina’s already snoring. This is my least favorite camp. Too many people walking right by our tent. I miss the silence and stillness. 

My goal was to get to sunrise as quick as I could and find tape (or anything really) to wrap my knees up. I was desperate. And I was almost out of ibuprofen. I ate so much while we were up there. Don't regret a single calorie. I would probably skip this camp altogether if it weren't for the food. Day hikers were everywhere. Felt like we weren't really on the trail.

Day 9: Sunrise to Mystic 
Met a new friend at this camp. Doug. He’s an older man taking 9 days to get from Sunrise to longmire. Knees are still killing me. We go up first. I don’t make it long before I have to change into shorts. We finally make it to the river crossing Robert told us was dangerous. Yes dangerous but mostly mind tricking. Single log over a swift flowing river with some water hitting your boots... not ok. We make it to Mystic earlier than expected (12:30ish)! Climb up .2 to the lake and swim. Worth the frozen nips. Doug makes it there about 3. I get him some water bc he looks exhausted. Gina and I trapped in the tent by mosquitos. Doug needs a lighter. I give him mine and the waterproof matches. I get a hug and a promise to pass on the kindness. I hope he’s doing alright 

Sweet Doug. I wish there was a way to contact him to see if he's alright! I think if it weren't for the bugs, Mystic would be my favorite camp. The lake is absolutely beautiful. I am not a fan of the outdoor toilets...I'd much rather just go in the woods. This was also the day my phone gave up. We brought solar chargers but they just didn't cut it. I forgot to charge mine before we left the house. Might have made a difference, idk.

Day 10: Mystic to Mowich
Supposed to stop at Carbon for a short day but decide to nut up and finish... knees in bad shape. Going downhill backwards helps. Another suspension bridge. Not as bad as the first. Uphill from Carbon. We’re basically crawling. It’s hot as hell. I hate the snowfields. Make it to the top. Took the Spray Park route. Back downhill... almost make a wrong turn until I see people and yell for directions. Make it down to Eagle’s Roost camp. 1.6 to go. I haul ass. Get me out of here. Going so slow down some steps gina catches up to me. I have the pre sob quivers in my chest. My legs are seriously giving up. See a sign .2 to go... up some damn stairs to Mowich. Cry on the inside like a winner. We did it. 

This was the hardest day emotionally. By the time we got to Spray Park, we were so dead. I would stop, put all my bodyweight on my trekking poles, and basically hang. I felt my legs giving up towards the end. I don't think I've ever had that bad of an argument between my body and brain. Worth the bragging rights? Definitely. 
After we met Finn and Ember on the trail, we kept noticing these smiley faces on the ground. Gina let me believe it was them until she finally told me (at Sunrise) they didn't have trekking poles. I'm going to believe one of them used a stick. They always popped up right after a tough section of the trail and those two were always in front of us. Wherever you are, thank you, Finn like a shark and Ember with an E.

Part 1.    This just a list of places in the United States I have been that I have think other people would enjoy also!  Not in any particul...